#67 Do you like Hitchcock (93 minutes)

A made for tv giallo from Dario Argento.

A college student sees a woman arguing with her mother through his window, as he lives across the street. The next day he sees the same woman in the video store, her and another woman both want to rent Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train. The two women become friends and exchange numbers outside the video store. The next day Sasha's mother is murdered, Giulio thinks that the 2 women arrange some sort of Strangers on a Train deal and exchange to kill someone for each other. Giulio decides to investigate on his own while his girlfriend thinks he is crazy, and is letting his imagination run wild.

This is obviously a lower budget film, and there are several knods to Hitchcock. With that being said it is a lot of fun. It kept me interested, and Guilio is a likable character, you can tell this is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to him.
