Barry Benson, a bee who just graduated and is on his way to pick out his career decides to give a shot being a pollen jock. A bee who goes out and pollenates. This job is usually held by bigger bees, which is not Barry. While out of the hive, Barry meets a florist and becomes friends, but later realizes that humans are stealing all the bee's honey and selling it. Barry sets out to change the world for bees everywhere by suing the human race for the use of their honey.
Barry Benson, a bee who just graduated and is on his way to pick out his career decides to give a shot being a pollen jock. A bee who goes out and pollenates. This job is usually held by bigger bees, which is not Barry. While out of the hive, Barry meets a florist and becomes friends, but later realizes that humans are stealing all the bee's honey and selling it. Barry sets out to change the world for bees everywhere by suing the human race for the use of their honey.
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